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Pastor: Rev. Sarah Daniels Roncolato
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: It Is Well With My Soul - Arranged by Cindy Berry (Jim Ross, Piano)

Prelude - Reflection on “Love Unknown”-David Laskey


Call to Worship -#446

Opening Hymn "We Are Called " #2172 (vs. 1&2)

Blessing of the Offering

Children's Sermon

Music Ministry:  It Is Well With My Soul-Arr. Cindy Berry (Jim Ross, Piano)

Scripture - John 6:1-14

Sermon - "There's A Boy Here..."

Hymn "Gift of Love" #408


Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Action Steps

Closing Hymn "We Are Called " #2172 (vs 2&3)


Postlude- I Will Exalt In The Lord-Lani Smith

The flowers on the altar today are given by Millie Ray in loving memory of her husband Byron Ray.

Thank you for sharing in this worship service. Please continue to stay in touch through our website and/or by following us on Facebook. If you have joys or concerns that you would like lifted up in prayer, please fill out the Prayer Card on our website, call the church office and leave a message at 814-724-6736, or email