MARCH 23, 2025
Prelude - T'was in the Moon of Winter-Anna Laura Page (Bells)
Welcome & Announcements
*Call to Worship
Leader: Always there is a choice:
People: The God of Christ Jesus or those material things
for which this world will sell its soul?
Leader: We cannot have it both ways. As the prophet Elijah
declared long ago:
People: How long does it take to make up your mind? If the Lord is God, then follow him. If idols are your gods, then get real and admit.
Leader: Our God is greatly to be praised and honored above all worldly
People: We will declare our God’s glory among the nations
and celebrate God’s love among all created in God’s image.
* Opening Hymn – “O God of Every Nation” #435
Opening Prayer
God of All,
You created us for each other. You set in us a yearning for companionship and an empathy that binds us together, protecting each other and delighting in one another.
Yet too often we have broken down our relationships instead of building them up.
We have been set against one another with the lie of scarcity.
We have built systems and economies that widen the gap of resourcesrather than safeguarding equitable practices.
Too many, and growing numbers, are suffering hardships, food insecurity, joblessness.
We cannot fathom the proportions of loss and so we look away,sometimes even from the need in our own community.
Help us, Healer.
Show us our empathy.
Forgive our complacence.
Move us to move one step at a time toward greater care for one another.
In Jesus name. Amen.
Children’s Chat
Scripture – Matthew 8: 5-13
Pastor: The Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God
Series: Holy Vessels: A Season of Recovery
Message: “Safe Keeping”
Tithes and Offering
Offertory - T'was in the Moon of Winter-A. L. Page (Bells)
*Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #94
Prayers of the People - Joys and Concerns
*Prayer Hymn – “Near to the Heart of God” #472
Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
*Closing Hymn – “How Great Thou Art” # 77
Action Steps and Benediction
Postlude - Passacaglia-Alfred Fedak
This service is recorded and is subject to change upon the movement of the Holy Spirit.
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