We meet two disciples of Jesus in this episode, at the Shabbat dinner at Mary’s home. James and Thaddeus. These are two disciples about whom almost nothing is known – this James is not “James, the brother of John” (we’ll meet him later). This James is presumably “James, the son of Alphaeus”, although that is not clear in the movie. Thaddeus is mentioned in Mark 3 and Matthew 10, but he’s replaced by “Judas, the son of James” in Luke’s list of disciples – these are likely the same guy, called by a different name.
Do you think the directors intended to include a nod to Judas Iscariot as they portrayed Simon leaving his home quickly after Shabbat dinner? Why or why not?
What did you notice about the various (as many as six, if you can find them) different Shabbat meals that we saw depicted in this episode?
Did you catch Jesus winking at Barnaby??? FUN!
How did the directors work in some of the biblical stories that we read earlier, transporting the ideas found there into a new location or setting?
Were there other allusions that you noticed?
Much of what we see in this episode is a continuation of Episode #1, fleshing out backstories before the series will surge ahead. What have you appreciated about the backstories as they continue to flesh out in the movie? Is there anything you’d change, given what you’ve seen so far?
How did Jesus appear to you? Like you thought? Different? What will you take home with you and ponder further?