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Help is needed in the Erie area! You or members of your congregation/community may be just the resources God has provided to help your neighbors in need!

This is an urgent need! There are about a 100 households in Erie County who have requested help with snow removal after the major storms of the past few days. These are mostly elderly folks who are unable to receive home care or meal deliveries because there is no way for assistance to reach their homes.

Shovels and people who are able to shovel are needed. If you or your congregations can assist with this need ASAP or at any time this week, please contact our WPA Disaster Relief Coordinator, Leslie Foland (814-844-3294 or, and she will connect you with the appropriate information, locations, and what type of help is needed.

Thank you for your help with this current emergency and please – as we approach this winter season and the weather and temperatures that come with it, please check on your neighbors! You may not be in crisis – but they may be – and as the body of Christ we are called to care for one another.

Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball