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REV. JAMES TUBBS (Guest Preacher)

Prelude -You Raise Me Up-Rolf Lovland/Brendan Grahm


*Call to Worship from Psalm 30
LEADER: O Lord our God, we joyfully come to worship you remembering all your blessings.
PEOPLE: We come, because we cannot stop thanking God for answering all our prayers.
LEADER: We come to sing your praises; we delight in celebrating all God’s goodness.
PEOPLE: We come, because we cannot stop praising God for listening to our cries for help.
LEADER: We come to praise and revere God’s holy presence here with us; and to give our thanks to our God; and for all God’s gracious mercies.
PEOPLE: We come, because we cannot stop celebrating God’s holy presence here with us, and we give our thanks for the blessed heritage of God’s faithfulness.

*Opening Hymn “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” #139 

*Opening Prayer

O Lord our God, we joyfully come to worship, thank and praise you for your many blessings. We give thanks to you for those times when we are bubbling over with joy because of your goodness and it is impossible to keep quiet because you have favored us. Like the psalmist, we admit that our faith journey is not always smooth sailing, and we have faltered when we thought we knew what was best for us, or for our loved ones. We give thanks for the way God’s holy presence sustains us in times of crisis; and how God answers our prayers even if not always in the way that we hoped. We give thanks that we can learn from these lessons; and pray that we will be guided to follow in your ways. We praise and give our humble thanks to you, our responsive and responding God. Amen

Affirmation of Faith: Apostles Creed #881

Gloria Patri

Children's Chat

Music Ministry and Offertory - Variations on Holy, Holy, Holy- Piet Post

Doxology and Prayer of Gratitude

Scripture - 2 Corinthians 4:1 ,7-9, 16-18

Sermon: “Therefore, We Do Not Lose Heart”


Hymn "“My Faith Looks Up to Thee” #452

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn “Hymn of Promise” #707

Action Steps & Benediction

Postlude - Finale on Holy, Holy, Holy - Piet Post

The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Professor Ernst C. Helmreich by Jonathan and Nancy Helmreich.

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