Pastor: Rev. Sarah Daniels Roncolato
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: Celtic Hymn-Hans Andre' Stamm (Jim Ross, organ)
Prelude Meditation on "Ebenezer" - Brenda Portman
Call to Worship
Opening Hymn #110 vs. 1, 2, 4 "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
Blessing of the Offering
Children's Sermon
Music Ministry Celtic Hymn-Hans Andre' Stamm (Jim Ross, organ)
Scripture Romans 12:9-18
Sermon "Tradition!"
Hymn #2086 "Open Our Eyes, Lord" (2x)
Joys & Concerns
Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer
Action Steps
Closing Hymn #2162"Grace Alone"
Postlude Ein Feste Burg - Martin Luther, arr. Robert Thompson
The flowers on the altar today are given in honor of the first birthday of Elleanor Frair by her family.