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Pastor: Rev. Kendra Balliet
Organist: Jim Ross
Offertory: Improvisation - Jon Spong



Prelude - Meditation- Iteke Prins 
*Call to Worship 
Leader: We gather today to remember and proclaim that we are God’s people.
 People: We are God’s people! God’s presence is among us!
Leader: Like Moses, we seek an encounter with God’s goodness.
 People: God, show us your goodness that we may glorify you in all that we do.
Leader: God’s goodness passes by us every day in the gracious gifts of creation and in the faces of our neighbors.
 People: God, help us notice your goodness in everything and everyone that we meet.
Leader: When we notice God’s goodness all around us, we recognize this truth: all things are God’s.
 People: Let us give to God the things that are God’s! Amen.
*Opening Hymn “El Shaddai” #123
*Unison Prayer
Loving, living God,
 be among us now.
 Show us your ways.
 Guide our steps.
 Live in us,
 that we may be people of steadfast hope
 and powerful giving.
 Help us hear your words,
 challenging us to give you
 all the things that are yours.
 Help us remember
 that all we are and all we have
 are gifts from you,
 gifts to be shared in service and love.
 Holy One among us,
 help us be a holy people
 who receive your word with joy
 and live your message with love. Amen.

 Affirmation of Faith – Apostles’ Creed #881
Gloria Patri #70
Children's Chat

 Music Ministry and Offertory 
Doxology and Prayer of Gratitude
 Scripture Exodus 33:12-23
 Sermon “Adjusting Our Vision”

Hymn "It’s Me, It’s Me O Lord" #352

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer
 Closing Hymn "Awesome God" #2040
Action Steps & Benediction
 Postlude - On Toward Heaven!-Gilbert Martin

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