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Pastor: Rev. Sarah Daniels Roncolato
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: Virtual Choir


Prelude "Meditation" arr. Iteke Prins

Call to Worship
Leader: We come together this morning to celebrate Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed.
People: In this God has given us abundance and hope.
Leader: Today we come to give thanks for all God has done for us.
People: And to celebrate God's love and to offer our lives in service.
Leader: Come, let us worship! Let us open our hearts to the Lord!
ALL: Let us rejoice in God's goodness and love. AMEN.

Opening Hymn  #322 "Up From the Grave He Arose"

Blessing of the Offering

Children's Sermon

Scripture John 20:24-29

Sermon  "One of Us"

Hymn  #640 "Take Our Bread"

Sacrament of Holy Communion

Music Ministry "In Christ Alone"


Pastoral/Lord's Prayer

Action Steps

Closing Hymn #408 "Gift of Love"


Postlude "Thine is The Glory" arr. Robert Lau