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Guest Preacher: Rev. Jane Ellen Nickell
Organist: James Ross
Music Ministry: Be Thou My Vision - Don Olah (Harp)


Prelude - "Greet the Rising Sun" (Chinese melody) - Robert M. Thompson
"Morning Has Broken" - Don Olah (Harp)
Call to Worship - #446 - Serving The Poor
Opening Hymn - #127  “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”
Blessing of the Offering
Children’s Sermon 
Music Ministry: Be Thou My Vision - Don Olah (Harp)
Reflection: Calling (based on Matthew 4:18-20)
Hymn of Response, #2137   “Would I Have Answered When You Called,” vv. 1, 4
Reflection: Denial (based on John 13:1-11, 18:1-27)
Prayer of Confession (in unison)
Merciful God, we confess that, like Peter, we too often deny your son by denying our place among his followers. In a world where Christian discipleship is often misunderstood and undervalued, it becomes easy to turn our back on Jesus’ call to live in his name. Forgive us for the times we have failed to claim the name of Christ. Forgive us for the good deeds we have left undone, for the words of witness we have left unspoken. Remind us that even when we desert you, you never abandon us, but in our most desperate, lonely moments your grace comes to us. Give us courage to hold fast to our faith so that when asked, “Are you one of his disciples?,” we may answer with the confidence of your forgiven children, “I am!”
Silent Confession
Hymn of Response - #465 “Holy Spirit, Truth Divine”
Reflection: Affirmation (based on John 21:1-19)
Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Reflection: Proclaiming (based on Acts 2:1-47)
Action Steps
Closing Hymn - #2237  “As a Fire Is Meant for Burning”

Postlude - "Rigaudon" - David Lasky

The flowers on the altar today are given by the Ross family to the glory of God and in honor of the wedding anniversary of Jim & Darlene Ross on June 24th.

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