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Prelude - Variations on "Dix"- Michael Burkhardt


*Call to Worship

LEADER: We believe God will save us in times of trouble.
ALL: We believe. Help our unbelief.
LEADER: We know that God has saved us in the past, tending and helping us along the way.
ALL: We know what God has done for us. Help us when we forget.
LEADER: We call on God’s power when we feel powerless to respond, believing and knowing that God will save.
ALL: We believe and we know that God will answer when we call.
LEADER: God, open our hearts today to encounter your love that acts with us and through us to bring flourishing to all of your creation.
ALL: We come today to enter the dance of the Trinity, who is all-powerful to save. Amen.

*Opening Hymn “We Gather Together to Ask the Lord’s Blessing” #131

*Opening Prayer

We confess that we don’t always like the way your power works. We blame you for all that goes wrong in the world, and yet we forget that you empower us to resist evil. We want you to help us in exactly the way we ask, and yet we forget that we are not the authors of our own salvation. We say we desire for your kin-dom to come, and yet, we forget to listen to your voice calling us to work for the flourishing of our neighbors. Forgive us, Holy Trinity, and free us to cooperate with you in the work of salvation for ourselves, our community, and all of creation. Amen.

Confession of Faith: Apostles’ Creed #881

Gloria Patri

Children's Chat

Music Ministry and Offertory -Allegro Marcato-Leon Boellmann

Doxology and Prayer of Gratitude

Scripture -  Psalm 20

Sermon Series “Ascribe to God”
Sermon: “All-Powerful to Save”


Hymn “God of the Ages” #698

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn "Shout to the Lord" #2074

Action Steps & Benediction

Postlude - Hyfrydol-Dale Wood

The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of my parents, Florence & Owen Odell by Anne Finney.

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