Pastor: Rev. Kendra Balliet
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: "Canticle of Hope" - J. Paul Williams/Joseph M. Martin (Virtual Choir)
Prelude - “When Morning Gilds The Sky”-George Lachenauer
Welcome & Announcements
*Call to Worship
Come, let us worship God!
Come, let us worship our Creator!
God is the great Sower, scattering seeds of life and abundance across the earth.
We are the soil the Sower plants, created to nurture and sustain the seeds of God’s life-giving love.
God is the great Gardener, tilling and cultivating our soil with love and grace.
We notice the rocks and thorns in our soil and call on the Gardener’s love and grace to transform us into good soil.
God is the great Life-giver, sowing seeds and tending the soil to produce the fruit of abundant life.
May we nurture and grow God’s new reality, bearing the fruit of flourishing and abundance for all God’s creation. Amen.
Opening Hymn "Open My Eyes, That I May See" #454
Unison Prayer
Holy God from whom all blessings grow: we acknowledge that you have blessed us to be the fertile soil from which the good news of your kingdom will spring forth. Move us, we pray, beyond seeing our role as passive or powerless, depending totally on the quality of the seed and the expertise of the planter. Remind us that you are counting on us for fruitfulness, demonstrating for the world your love, grace, and power as we bear fruit that eases the suffering sick, feeds the hungry, brings justice to the oppressed and love and compassion to those who feel disconnected or forgotten. In Christ, we pray. Amen.Children's Chat
Music Ministry & Offertory
Prayer of Gratitude
Scripture Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
Sermon "The Seed Needs Dirt"
Hymn "Thy Word Is A Lamp" #601
Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer
Action Steps
Closing Hymn "Wonderful Words of Life" #600
Postlude-“Trumpet Tune”-J. Steve Godowns
The flowers on the altar today are given with to the glory of God and with love in honor of the birthdays of Garald Stockton and Heinrich Means this month.
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Prayer Card on our website, call the church office and leave a message at 814-724-6736, or email