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JANUARY 5, 2025

* Please Stand If Able

Prelude - I Am Jesus' Little Lamb- Barbara Masters

*Call to Worship 
Lord, this year, we will follow the Star of Bethlehem. 
Too long we've gone the wrong way
Followed the wrong stars! 
We went South following movie stars, greed, and lust.
Star of Wonder... 
We went East following stars of militarism, nationalism, and war.
Star of Light... 
We even went North following our own visions, our own intuition, and our own way.
Star with Royal Beauty Bright... 
Lord, this year, we will follow the Star of Bethlehem.
The Star of Hope.
The Star of Peace.
The Star of Joy.
The Star of Love.
The Star that is You. 
* Praise Hymn – “We Three Kings of Orient Are”  # 254 
Opening Prayer
Let us pray:  
God of the Ages, your angels announced the birth of your son to lowly shepherds, and they worship the Holy Child, kneeling beside Magi in a stable. You gave us the gift of a Savior, sent for the rich and the poor alike. Every gift given from the heart is blessed by you, and every act that proclaims your love brings joy to you. May the gifts that we offer and the love we proclaim to others in our words and actions satisfy your heart – this day and all through the coming years. We pray this in Christ’s holy name. Amen.
Children’s Chat 
Scripture – Isaiah 60:1-6(CEB) & Matthew 2: 1-12(The Message) 

Pastor: The Word of God for the people of God. 
People: Thanks be to God 
Message – “The Epiphany of Joy” 
Tithes and Offering 
Offertory - Two Scottish Airs- Robert Swift
*Prayer Hymn – “Sing We Now of Christmas”   #237 

Prayers of the People - Joys and Concerns 

Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer 
*Closing Hymn – “First Noel” #245 
Action Steps and Benediction 

Postlude - Chorale on Come Leave Your Sheep- Franklin Ashdown

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