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Prelude - Two Early American Hymn tunes-Sam Batt Owens

Welcome & Announcements

*Call to Worship
LEADER: God’s grace is that which shows up when we feel like we have come to the dead end of the road and suddenly there is a way – that is God’s grace!
PEOPLE: God’s grace is what manifests when we look at our tall to-do list and suddenly we are checking off the last task. – that is God’s grace!

LEADER: God’s grace is that which shows up every morning when we wake up and feel air in our lungs and we are able to move and live in that day in the right side of our minds and do the things we do – that is God’s grace!
PEOPLE: God’s grace is extended to all and meets each one of us at the very point of our need. God’s grace is always sufficient.

LEADER: God’s grace is when you dare to do the seemingly impossible, challenging, difficult and yet SUCCEED – that is God’s grace!
PEOPLE: Let us acknowledge God for His grace towards us that has brought us this far. We live in a broken world and there is a lot of wicked and dark things taking place all over but what keeps you and me is God’s grace alone.

* Opening Hymn – “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me #361

Opening Prayer

Father, we ask You to help us really see and realize that the way You made us is not a mistake. You have fitted us exactly for the call that You have placed upon our lives. Although we may be different from others around us, it is OKAY, because our call is different than that of my neighbors and friends. We confess that We’ve struggled with ourselves, but today we surrender it all — and we thank You that we are what we are by the grace of God. We ask You to help us understand it and receive it. With the help of Your grace, any self-rejection we have lived under comes to an end. We receive Your grace; We accept who You have made me to be; and we confidently shine as a trophy of Your masterful making!

Children’s Chat

Scripture – 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Pastor: The Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God

Message: “I AM WHAT I AM”

Tithes and Offering

Offertory - A Prayer for the Innocent-George Frederrick McKay
*Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

Prayers of the People - Joys and Concerns

*Prayer Hymn – Amazing Grace (vrs 1-3) #378

Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer

*Closing Hymn – Amazing Grace (vrs 4-6) #378

Action Steps and Benediction

LEADER: God thank you for your grace and goodness that you extend to us.
PEOPLE: God, we take nothing in our lives for granted, we are Yours and we honor You O Gracious God.

LEADER: May the Grace of God be with us.
PEOPLE: May God’s love and favor abound towards us in all that we do.

LEADER: May we not miss it when God is at work and be able to acknowledge God and give Him our praise.
PEOPLE: Thank you, dear Lord Jesus Christ, for by your goodness and grace that makes us. AMEN!

Postlude - Jubilation-James Denton

The flowers on the altar today are given by Anne Finney to the glory of God and  in loving memory of her sister Sandy Odell Roiz and in honor of those who share her birthday, February 21 - Rev. Sarah Roncolato, Jen Royer and Ijenna.

Thank you for sharing in this worship service. Please continue to stay in touch through our website ( and/or by following us on Facebook (Stone UMC). If you have joys or concerns that you would like lifted up in prayer, please fill out the Prayer Card in the pew, on the website, share them by contacting us at 814-724-6736 or