FEBRUARY 2, 2025
REV. DR. SANG CHOI,WPAUMC Conference Superintendent, Erie-Meadville & Kane Districts
* Please Stand If Able
Prelude - Mystique Allegro-Boellmann
Welcome & Announcements
*Call to Worship
L: We are brought here today to glimpse the hope that Christ
has for us.
P: Open our hearts to receive that hope.
L: We are brought here today to be healed of our fears.
P: Heal us, Lord Jesus, with your love and power.
L: Come, let us receive the vision and healing love of God.
P: Praise be to God who continues to bless and restore
us. AMEN.
* Opening Hymn – “How Great Thou Art” #77
Opening Prayer
Almighty and most gracious God, we give you thanks for this day and for calling us here to your place of worship. We gather to praise your name, for your faithfulness endures from generation to generation. Signs of your faithfulness are all around us: love, mercy, forgiveness, new life, and the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Help us claim your faithfulness as we seek to increase our faithfulness to you. In Jesus’ name we pray Amen.
Scripture – Lamentations 3:22-25 (NSRV)
Pastor: The Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God
Message: “Pondering Hope”
Unison Prayer (from Henri Nouwen)
O God, by the redemptive grace of Jesus, help us to give up our compulsions to control completely our future and to turn more of our lives over to you. Amen.
Tithes and Offering
Offertory - Eucharistic Hymn-Samuel Walter
*Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #94
Prayers of the People - Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
*Closing Hymn – “My Hope Is Built” #368
*Unison Prayer - A Daily “Dynamite Prayer”
Almighty God,
Explode in me your unbounded Spirit.
Shake me awake
From complacency to urgency
For your possibilities.
Shatter my fears and resistance.
May your dunamis resurrection power embolden me
For your NEW and NEXT! Amen.
Postlude - Allegro Pomposo-Thomas Rosengrave
Thank you for sharing in this worship service. Please continue to stay in touch through our website (stoneumc.org) and/or by following us on Facebook (Stone UMC). If you have joys or concerns that you would like lifted up in prayer, please fill out the Prayer Card in the pew, on the website, share them by contacting us at 814-724-6736 or churchoffice@stoneumc.org