Pastor: Rev. Sarah Daniels Roncolato
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: Word of God Speak - Millard/Kipley (Virtual Choir)
Prelude - Paradise - Zdenko Fibich
Call to Worship -#259
Opening Hymn "Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know " #163
Blessing of the Offering
Children's Sermon
Music Ministry: Word of God Speak - Millard/Kipley - Virtual Choir
Scripture - Luke 9:28-36
Sermon - "Good For Us To Be Here"
Hymn "I Have Decided To Follow Jesus" #2129
Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer
Action Steps
Closing Hymn "They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love " #2223
Postlude- Solid Rock - Anna Laura Page
The flowers on the altar today are given by Anne Finney in loving memory of her sister Sandy Roiz and in celebration of the birthday of Pastor Sarah on Thursday.
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