DECEMBER 22, 2024
Prelude – O Come, O Come Emmanuel – Bell Choir
Welcome & Announcements
*Call to Worship
Psalm 98, upon which the hymn, “Joy to the World” is based, names the joyful expression of all creation as the response to the news that the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, is coming at long last. Love, not chaos, will reign and balance will be restored. As we get ever closer to Christmas, we acknowledge with the hymn writer, Isaac Watts, that “God rules the world” -- not with sword or domination – but “with truth and grace”. In this, all nations, all of the world will prove God’s presence in and through this peaceful joy.
Sing a new song to the Lord.Lift your hearts with gratitudeand Joy, Peaceful Joy!Your steadfast love and faithfulnessis ever present in our liveswith Joy,Peaceful Joy!
Let the sea laugh, and all that fills it; the world and those who dwell in it! Let the waters clap their hands; let the hills ring out with joy before the Beloved, who radiates Peace to all the earth. For Love reigns over the world with truth and justice bringing order and balance to all of Creation.
*Praise Hymn – “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” #211
The Wreath
(The Peaceful Joy Candle:) … Let us pray:
Holy God, we await again the arrival of Your son, the Prince of Peace.
We long for the peaceful waters of joy that run deep and wide underneath all of life.
When we feel the chaos of life bearing down on us, help us to remember that it doesn’t have to be this way.
Help us to step into a slower rhythm that is your Peaceful Joy.
Let truth and grace rule our hearts this day.
Let truth and grace rule in our church this day.
Let truth and grace rule the world this day ...
In the name of Peace. Amen.
Response - “He Came Down” Verse 2 Sung 2X TFWS #2085
Children’s Chat
Scripture – Isaiah 2:1-5 (CEB) & Romans 13:11-14 (The Message)
Pastor: The Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God
Series: “Heaven and Nature Sing Joy to the World”
Message: “Make the Nations Prove: Peaceful Joy”
Tithes and Offering
Offertory – Joy To The World – Bell Choir
*Doxology – Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow #94
Prayers of the People - Joys and Concerns
*Prayer Hymn – “Joy To The World” - verse 4 #246
Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
*Closing Hymn – “Love Came Down at Christmas” #242
Action Steps and Benediction
Postlude - From Heaven High, To Earth I Come – Elizabeth Krouse
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