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In Memory  

                                                       Red (R)     White (W)    Candle (C)

James D. Turnbull   by Carolyn and Jim Turnbull (C)

Lois M. Snow          by Ronald R. Snow (C)

Our parents: Polly and Jerry Roncolato and Robert Daniels   by Sarah and Dave Roncolato (C)  

Byron Ray             by Millie Ray and family (R, C)

Melissa Ann and Clayton Pruskowski, Melvin and Mildred Klingensmith     by Cathy Pruskowski (R, C)

Joseph Mullen       by his family (R, C)

Donna Lloyd         by her family (R)

My husband, John Shields    by Eileen Shields (R)

Don Shea, Mary Beier, Stanley and Helen Shea, Clarence and Alice Cornell   by Nancy Shea (C)

Mr. and Mrs. Clem Long      by Georgeine L. Long (R, C)

Our parents: Leonard and Betty Bentley and Bill and Marion Baker   by Bill and Barb Baker (C)

Rev. Harold R. Kelly   by Peg Kelly (R)

  In Honor    

Our grandsons: Brody, Ben, Buckley, Briggs, Kai and Carter   by Sarah and Dave Roncolato (C)

Marjorie Daniels   by Sarah and Dave Roncolato (C)

Family and Friends   by Joyce Minnis (C)

Pastor Sarah   by Joyce Minnis (C)

My sons, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren   by Eileen Shields (R)

Our grandchildren: Reghon and Kaleb   by Bill and Barb Baker (C)