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Pastor: Rev. Kendra Balliet
Organist: Jim Ross

Prelude - Chorale and Menuet from Suite Gothique-Leon Boellmann 
 *Call to Worship 
Beloved disciples, welcome. Some of us come weary and hungry, while others come rested and content. Still others come ready to wrestle with the questions that keep us up at night. No matter how you enter this space, we say,
Come, let us worship God together!
Together, we notice the fatigue we carry, the exhaustion that comes from our hunger for care and connection with one another and with God. Yet, when God says to feed one another, we answer,
We have nothing but…
Together, we feel the unrest and turmoil of grappling with the unknown, unsure whether we are fighting for everyone’s wellbeing or merely our own stability. Yet, when God tells us to start by loving God and our neighbors, we answer,
We have nothing but…
Together, then, let us wrestle with our hungers that we may be transformed into people who seek and find God all around us, so that when God calls us to feed the hungry and struggle for those in need of help, we answer,
In you, we have everything. Use us as you will. Amen.

 *Opening Hymn "Fill My Cup Lord" #641 sung twice
 *Unison Prayer
Almighty God, we rejoice that we can come to One who is more concerned for our welfare, and others' welfare, than we are; more eager to give than we are to receive. We're grateful that we need not bully or cajole you. It is our capacity to take that which needs enlarging, our ambition to live off of you that which needs quickening. So we pray that today's encounter with the Christ may rebuke our piecemeal, hand-to- mouth, shoddy living and set us hungering for the life that is life indeed. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

 Affirmation of Faith – Apostles’ Creed #881
                                    Gloria Patri #70
Children's Chat

Offertory - Priere a Notre Dame-Leon Boellmann (Organ)
Prayer of Gratitude
 Scripture Matthew 14:13-21
 Sermon "Feeding the Family"

Hymn "Let Us Break Bread Together" #618

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer
Communion (UMH p.13)
Closing Hymn "God Be with You ‘til We Meet Again" #672
 Action Steps & Benediction

Postlude-“Love Divine, All Love Excelling"-Setting by Charles Ore

The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God in honor of Rick & Dawn Muntean on the occasion of their 40th Anniversary - Given by: Andrew, Samantha, Julia, Zach, Ira & Landon

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