...all Stone UMC individuals who have direct contact with children in a volunteer capacity and all Stone UMC staff, regardless of their role, must do the following:
1. Every 60 months (5 years), they must obtain the following clearances:
-PA Child Abuse History Clearance (free for volunteers)
-PA State Police Criminal Record Check (free for volunteers)
-FBI Criminal History Background Check (required for all employees and those volunteers who have lived in PA for less than 10 years) ($22.60 for volunteers)
2. Attend a Stone UMC Safe Sanctuaries training session at least once every 24 months (2 years)
3. Sign a Stone UMC Safe Sanctuary Covenant
4. Staff only - Staff must complete mandated reporter training every 60 months (5 years)
In 2015, child protection laws were revised in PA. At that time, volunteers were required to obtain the above mentioned clearances. We are approaching the five year mark for many volunteers who will need to obtain updated clearances in 2021. Those who have previously submitted clearances to Stone UMC will receive a notice via mail in early January showing the most recent dates for their clearances, training and covenant on file. If you have updated clearances, please place a copy of your updated clearance documents in an envelope in the Safe Sanctuaries mailbox in the church office.