Graduate Sunday, June 7, 2020 Service
Pastor: Rev. Sarah Roncolato
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: Jen Ashbaugh, Simon Farrelly-Jackson
Stone Virtual Choir
Guest Speakers: Carolyn and Jim Turnbull, Dr Armendia Dixon
Organ Prelude “It is Well” arr. Philip Bliss
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Hymn “We Are the Church” (vs 2-4)
Joys and Concerns
Music Ministry “In your Hands” Jen Ashbaugh
Pastoral Prayer
Lord's Prayer
Children's Sermon
Music Ministry Simon Farrelly-Jackson, piano
Scripture Acts 2:37-47
Music Ministry “Cornerstone” Virtual Choir
Sermon “Our Common Life”
Closing Hymn “O God of Every Nation” (Vs 1,3,4)
Benediction Organ Postlude “Foundation” arr. David Lasky
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