Dear Friends… 

Over the last month I have had the opportunity to answer the office phone on many occasions. The stunning realization: after almost eleven years as pastor, I could only answer one question on my own, and that was “What time is Sunday worship?”. My experience reinforced what I already knew; the office administrator is essential to the ministry of the church! This is why I am so thankful for Patty Brown’s three years of service, for Jane Ellen Nickell’s willingness to step into the gap this past month, and for this opportunity to introduce our new office administrator, Jen Royer.

Jen and her husband Michael live in Carlton with their four children, Aaron, Garrett, Audrey and Isaac. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and enjoys writing, reading and playing word games like Scrabble or Wordle.  Jen worked with a variety of non-profit organizations before spending thirteen years as a stay-at-home mom.  She is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, and her favorite Bible passage is Psalm 23.

Jen officially begins Monday May 2nd with office hours being Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00 am-2:00 pm. Please be sure to introduce yourselves when you stop by or call. 

As this new season of life opens up around us, I give thanks for the blessing of serving with the staff, members and friends of Stone. 

As always in the peace, power and presence of the Risen Christ…Pastor Sarah


New Office Hours Beginning Monday, May 2nd, 2022

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
 9:00 am-2:00 pm
Closed Tuesday, Friday, and Major Holidays


May Worship Calendar

9:00 am in person at Stone
(And live on Armstrong Cable Channels 23/100
and on Facebook,
10:30 am at Bethany UMC
(140 Wadsworth Ave)

May 1st Communion Sunday
May 8th Mother’s Day
May 15th
May 22nd
May 29th Ascension Sunday



A heartfelt thanks to…Everyone who provided the beautiful flowers for our Easter Sunday celebration…All who donated graham crackers to support the community WiNS project…Our amazing Girl Scout troop whose thoughtfulness encouraged us to support a family in great need…Jason Ashbaugh, Jim Ross, Jane Ellen Nickell, the Bell Choir, Marian Beckman and Myla Bland for inspiring music through the final weeks of Lent, Holy Week and Easter…Jim Turnbull, Ron Snow, Janet and Bob Waid for helping us begin anew with receiving the offering during the worship service…Jane Ellen Nickell for cheerful and competent ministry in the office during this time of transition…Cyndi and Rylee Bland for making the second Jared Box delivery to MMC……All the generous support of financial givers…All who give to, pray for, and work with Stone UMC……



More “Thank You’s” . . .

  • A special thanks to Rylee, Myla, and Skyler Bland; Nathan, Carter and Alaina Karns; Simon and Izzy Farrelly-Jackson; Morgan and Ashley Johnston and all their parents for working hard on the Easter poem for worship on Easter Sunday! 
  • Thank you to everyone who purchased cookies at our pop-up sale to benefit the Springboro fire victims! We raised $245!!  Love, Girl Scout Troop 36520


Pre-Mother’s Day Brunch

Please join us after Worship on Sunday, May 1st for a Pre-Mother’s Day brunch. Following brunch, guest speaker, Kendra, from the Pregnancy Center, will be talking about a ministry called Dale’s Cribs. This will be our mission focus for May-June. We hope you will come and learn about this ministry and how to help moms AND dads in need in our community. Children will be invited to an activity in the library during Kendra’s presentation. 


We aren’t kidding! Everyone is invited!

Our fourth “seasonal planning” meeting is Thursday, May 19th, 5:30-7:30 pm. We will gather in Miller Parlor for a light dinner and conversation. Everyone is invited to help us think about and plan for fall. Sign-ups are helpful for meal planning. You can register online or by contacting the church office at 814-724-6736 or 


Geranium Order Form

This year we are ordering red geraniums to decorate the church for Pentecost on June 5th. Please place your order by Sunday, May 22nd, 2022,  by returning the order slip and payment either in the collection plate or to the church office.

The geraniums will be planted on the church grounds following worship on Sunday, June 5th.

What’s New? A Lot! 

  • The Pray-ground in the back of the sanctuary has reopened! Families with children are welcome to use this space during worship. Sanitization of toys and surfaces will occur weekly, and hand sanitizer is available at both the back and front of the sanctuary. Thank you for keeping this a safe and fun place for our children during worship!

  • Children are again invited up to the front of the sanctuary for the Children’s Sermon. Pictures will still be on the screen for those worshipping at home or children who prefer to stay in their pew.

  • In April we returned to coming forward for communion. We continue this practice in May.

  • The receiving of the offering has returned to the worship service. During the opening hymn, those worshipping in person will have an opportunity to place their offering and/or their prayer requests in the offering plate. 


To Kathy and John Palmer on the birth of their granddaughter, Karman Maye, born on March 23rd. 
Big Sister is Karsyn. 

Also to Tracy and Brian Lloyd on the birth of two grandsons, Lawk Kobain born January 17th to Aaron and Kayelee Lloyd, and Kai Avery, born April 14th to Adam and Wendy Lloyd. Lawk and Kai's great-grandmother is Donna Mullen.


May Counters

May 1st    Jim Ross and Joyce Minnis
May 8th    Patty Brown and Lisa Clayton
May 15th    Barb Baker and Phyllis Stockton    
May 22nd    Jim Ross and Jane Ellen Nickell
May 29th    Patty Brown and Aundra Zack

Creation Justice Tips

The United Methodist Creation Justice Ministries offers tips each month to better care for God’s creation. The May tips remind us that reducing food waste is one of the most important ways to address climate change, so plan your meals, shop with a list, check the fridge often (“Best by” is not the same as “Use by”), use up leftovers, and compost. For more tips, visit 

Graduation Sunday is June 5th  

On Sunday, June 5th, we will recognize our graduates at the 9:00 a.m. service. If you know of a graduate who should be recognized in the June Messenger and/or in worship on Sunday June 5th, please contact the church office with the student's name and the school from which they are graduating.



Register now for a great day of golf on Monday, June 20th at Riverside Golf Course to help end homelessness for families with children!

This tournament is a four-person scramble without handicaps and will include various skill prizes. Also included: All-you-can-eat Smith's hot dogs, chips, soft drinks, water, cookies and golf cart. Not a golfer? Or unable to attend? You can still support this event by making a donation to The Refuge and spreading the word to golfers you know. Visit for details.