Dear Friends,

 Heading into my twelfth winter at Stone, I have come to appreciate the clanging of the radiators in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. When first here, I found it distracting. I now find it comforting, a reminder that we are blessed with the resources to provide heat to a worshiping congregation on a cold Sunday morning.     The invitation to pay attention is what the season of Advent is actually all about. The invitation to be watchful and waiting, paying attention to the sounds, the sights, the actions and attitudes of others that remind us of the coming of Christ at Christmas and each and every day.      I look forward to being with you in this holy season. Together we will keep our eyes, ears, hearts, minds and doors open to the presence of Christ this Christmas.  Pastor Sarah

Christmas Poinsettia Plants

 We will adorn the sanctuary with Christmas poinsettias on Sunday, December 18. The cost is $9 each and you may choose red or white plants. Please place your orders by Sunday, December 11th. You may pick up your plants after the service on Sunday, December 18, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Poinsettias may be given in honor or in memory of loved ones.  Please make your checks out to Stone UMC and write Poinsettia in the memo line.   

Undies Under the Tree

 Yep! That’s what’s under the (Thoburn Lobby) tree this Christmas!  One of the most requested items for homeless shelters, school nurse offices and outreach ministries of all kinds is new underwear.  To help meet this need, our Christmas collection this year is new underwear — all shapes and sizes.  The only requirement is that they are new!  Undies may be placed under the tree in Thoburn Lobby now through Sunday, December 18th.   

Monthly Messenger Newsletter -- Paper or Email?

 Beginning in February 2023, you will have the option of receiving your monthly Messenger newsletter by email.  We currently mail more than 200 paper newsletters each month.  As responsible stewards, we hope that by allowing those who prefer to receive an email version of the newsletter that option we will consume fewer resources and reduce costs. Don’t worry!  If you let us know that you would like to continue receiving the paper version of the Messenger, we will be happy to keep mailing it to you.  Just contact the office to let us know.    


 A heartfelt thanks to: Bakers and buyers who supported the wildly successful bake sale to support little Ellie…Jane Ellen Nickell for her informative and insightful class “Exploring Methodists”…Children’s ministry volunteers: Andra Mulhearn, Carrie Morley, Jim Ross, Gloria Shields, Millie Ray, Leda Boal, and Leanne Venesky… New Second Harvest Senior Food Box helper Chuck Larson…November ushers, musicians, “florists”, communion stewards and counters: Garald and Phyllis Stockton, Ron Snow, Bev Barickman, Jim Turnbull, Jim and Darlene Ross, Jane Ellen Nickell, The Bell Choir, Nancy and Jonathan Helmreich, Barb Baker, Anne Finney, Patty Brown, Sue De Arment, Jared Box delivery persons Jim Turnbull and Darlene Ross.   

Looking Ahead to the New Year...

 Thank you to those who have already returned their 2023 Giving Intentions cards.  The information from these cards is essential in planning ministry and budget for the coming year.  If you haven’t already, please consider filling out and returning your 2023 Giving Intentions card to the church office today.   

The office will be closed the week of December 26-30.

Three options for Advent Bible Study available...

Advent the season of waiting, watching and preparing for the coming of Christ begins Sunday, November 27th.  Please make time for worship, fellowship, service and study during this holy season.  Three studies will be offered...1)The Christmas Hymns of Charles Wesley on Sunday mornings at 10 am with the Rev. Jane Ellen Nickell, 2)In Those Days: The Gospel Accounts of the Nativity on Wednesday mornings at 10 am with Pastor Sarah Roncolato, and 3)The Angels of Christmas will be held via ZOOM on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm with Pastor Sarah Roncolato.

Advent Chains 

 will be available to pick up beginning November 27th.  Each day has a scripture verse for you and your family to read together and make a paper chain throughout the Advent season.   

Our heartfelt thanks...

 With hearts full of gratitude, and some sadness, we have accepted Jen Ashbaugh’s resignation as our director of online ministry. Jen’s commitment and competence have moved us forward in ways we never thought possible. Working with her husband, Jason, Jen has created creative and engaging Sunday morning broadcasts. Thank you, Jen and Jason, for sharing your time, energy and expertise for the glory of God through the online ministries of Stone Church.    

Lights, Camera, Christmas!

 Sunday, December 11th during our 9 am worship service the Children & Youth will present a Christmas program titled Lights, Camera, Christmas!  Please plan to attend and support our talented young people as we prepare to celebrate the Christmas season.   

Bread Box Award

 Second Harvest Food Band of NWPA recently recognized Stone UMC for its efforts in feeding the hungry.  Stone currently distributes more than 70 food boxes to senior citizens in the area each month through Second Harvest’s Senior Food Box program.  Thanks go out to our dedicated food box volunteers: John & Cindy Karns, Jim Schlosser, Bob and Debbie McConnell, and Charles Larson.   

Seasonal Planning Meeting

 Mark your calendars now for our next “Seasonal Planning” gathering. Sunday, January 8th at 10 am This will be a family-friendly, all-in hour of idea sharing for Lent, Easter and the season of Spring!   

Volunteer Appreciation Game Night

 All volunteers, including those in children’s ministry and any other way you serve at Stone, are invited to a game night on Friday December 9th at 7pm. Let’s take a break from serving and enjoy some fellowship and fun! Light snacks will be provided.   

Raise Right

 Raise Right fundraising program gives you many options to purchase gift cards  — each retailer that participates in Raise Right then contributes a percentage of your gift card purchase back to Stone UMC.  You can order physical gift cards through the order forms available in Thoburn Lobby, order gift cards to be delivered to your home through the website, or even use the RaiseRight app right on your phone to purchase and use digital gift cards.  Many brands will feature extra incentives during the holiday season making it the perfect time to get started with Raise Right and see what this program is all about!   

 Sign up for Raise Right at and enter Enrollment Code: R2JAWC962GJA