Dear Friends….
It is hard to believe our twelfth year together as pastor and people is underway. Together we have rejoiced with those who rejoice and have wept with those who weep (Romans 12:15). We’ve been energized and weary, inspired and discouraged. We’ve worked in pairs, in teams, and at times alone. We’ve been thoughtful, and yes, at times, thoughtless.
And, as hymnist Andrae Crouch writes, “Through it all we’ve learned to trust in Jesus, we’ve learned to trust in God”.
With the approval of Staff-Parish, Church Council and our District Superintendent Dennis Swineford, I will be on renewal leave the month of August. My intention is to take this time for rest, reading, renewal and time away with my husband as we celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary on August 14th. I pray that this time will rest my mind and body and revive my spirit so that I might serve this coming year with joy and gladness.
While I am on leave, you will be well taken care of on Sundays by Rev. Jane Ellen Nickell, Sarah Miller and our amazing ministry team. In the case of pastoral need, please call the church office to be connected to the pastor on call.
As we move into this new season of life together, the words of John Wesley ring true; “The best of all is God is with us”.
In the Peace, Power, and
Presence of Christ
Pastor Sarah
A heartfelt thanks to: All “Tailgaters” including the Blands, Jim and Darlene Ross, Carolyn and Jim Turnbull, and Mille Ray …Safe Sanctuary trainer Leanne Venesky…Outgoing SPRC chair Anne Finney and incoming chair Debbie Knapp… July ushers, readers, musicians, “florists”, liturgists, communion stewards and counters: Nathan and Carter Karns, Garald and Phyllis Stockton, Joyce Minnis, Ron Snow, Janet and Bob Waid, Jim Schlosser, Jim Turnbull, Jim Ross, Skyler and Myla Bland, Jane Ellen Nickell, Anne Finney, Darlene Ross, Aundra Zack, Tyson and Sarah Johnston, Barb Baker, Lisa Foust, Patty Brown To all who give, pray and serve…
For Your Prayerful Consideration...
Sacred Conversations to End Racism Retreat
Olmsted Manor Oct 9-11th
You are invited to participate in a contemplative retreat as we explore practical ways to have sacred and brave conversations towards ending racism. This retreat is for clergy and laity who hunger for a deep spiritual experience and who are interested in joining God in becoming agents of reconciliation.
We will engage with Biblical texts regarding equitable treatment of all God's people, and we will learn about the mythological construction of race and the reality of racism in America and in the church. The hardest step in the healing process is coming to the table. We will engage in real conversation, asking difficult questions-and hearing difficult answers.
This retreat will include prayer, study, worship, and fellowship. We will spend time each day in silence, written and spoken word, prayer, worship and community sharing. There are scholarships through the district and conference to cover the complete cost of this event. If interested, go to Olmsted Manor's website ( or contact Pastor Sarah for more information.
Thank You Stone UMC for your support of the Dale’s Cribs mission project. Your generous donations of $385 will help the Pregnancy Center of Meadville provide cribs for newborn babies.
Men’s Study group resumes in August!
Join the men as they begin a six-week study entitled “Jesus: the God Who Knows Your Name”. The first meeting is August 4th at 6:45 pm. Any man seeking to grow in his relationship with God is welcome to attend.
Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary to Dick & Martha Lumley
The HandBell Choir is looking for a few good ringers to join them this fall.
Musical talent optional - willing spirit mandatory!
Contact Jim Ross at 814-720-6757 or with any questions.
Please keep the families of Georgia Lou Ray and June Walker in your prayers.
Kits for the homeless are available in Thoburn Lobby. These kits were put together at our July tailgate party and are for you to keep in your car to hand out whenever you see someone in need. Any kits not picked up by the end of August will be donated to St. James Haven men’s shelter.
August Worship Calendar
9 AM at Stone UMC
Worship In Person or...Live online at Armstrong Cable Channels 23/100, Facebook, or
10:30 AM at Bethany UMC (140 Wadsworth Ave)
August 7th Communion Sunday (Rev. Jane Ellen Nickell preaching)
August 14th (Rev. Jane Ellen Nickell preaching)
August 21st (Sarah Miller preaching)
August 28th (Sarah Miller preaching)
Baptism Sunday on July 17th was a joyous celebration with six youngsters receiving the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Congratulations to the families of…
Gabriel Nicholas Basko
Ava Jane Busse
Elleanor Hope Frair
Shepard George Learn
Lawk Kobain Lloyd
Canon Lon Sippy
Calling all those who are gifted in working with children and youth! In order for us to have a successful Sunday School program this fall, we are in need of several volunteers. Please prayerfully consider joining in on the fun. Sunday School will be every Sunday from 10-11 am immediately after worship. Contact Cyndi Bland for more information at or call the church office and leave a message.
Children age 5–12th grade are invited to join us as we Celebrate Wonder during the 2022-23 Sunday School year. Registration forms are available on the table in Thoburn lobby. Sunday School begins September 18th and will meet on the third floor from 10-11 am after worship.
Anyone interested in helping with Sunday School or Children’s Church is invited to join Cyndi Bland for a pizza party in Miller Parlor on Wed., August 17th at 5:30 pm to discuss plans for this year. Please RSVP to or the church office at 814-724-6736.
A Trunk or Treat planning meeting will be held Tuesday, August 9th at 9:30 am. Anyone interested in being a part of
planning this fun event is welcome to attend.
All are invited to a Grandparent’s Day pancake breakfast on Sunday, Sept. 11th immediately following worship. Children ages 5 and older are invited to help prepare the meal during worship. Adult helpers are also needed. Contact Cyndi Bland for more information.
This fall we will be doing a video thank you to teachers. We are asking that you please take a moment to make a short video telling us about a teacher who made a difference to you. Make up your own video or use one of these suggestions:
• My favorite teacher was…
• The best thing my teacher did for me…
• I will always be grateful for my teachers because…
If you are using a phone to record your video, please hold it the long way (landscape) rather than up and down like you hold it to make a call. Videos should be sent to Jen Ashbaugh at or sent through the church’s FB page at
Over the next few months, we will explore what it means to be Methodist. Morning worship on August 7th and 14th will look at our Wesleyan roots, including beliefs and practices of founder John Wesley and hymns by his brother Charles Wesley.
In September and October, Rev. Jane Ellen Nickell, Pastor Sarah, and guest speakers will look at recent issues that have brought the United Methodist Church to the breaking point, how the delay of General Conference (UMC
governing body) has impacted the church, and what all this means for local congregations. These sessions will help guide our church family through these transitional times and can provide information to those considering membership at Stone Church.
The study sessions will be offered Sunday mornings at 10:00 and one or more times during the week. Watch for details on dates and times, and please speak to one of us if you are interested or have specific questions you’d like us to explore.
Teacher School Supply Drive
We will begin collecting back-to-school items in August for local teachers and school staff. This mission project will focus on items that are especially useful to staff and teachers rather than the normal student school supplies. Some suggestions of items that would be appreciated are:
• nice quality pens or pencils
• dry erase markers
• paper towels
• tissues
• post-it notes
• chart paper
• small dry erase boards
• craft items
• recess toys and games
• Clorox wipes
• small toys/items/candy for prizes
• pencil erasers
• stickers